Atlanta Early Music Alliance
General Grant Application
(click the link above)
Goal of the Atlanta Early Music Alliance Grant:
The goal of the Atlanta Early Music Alliance Grant is to support and encourage the education and performance of early music throughout the Atlanta area. Preference will be given to proposals which directly support historically informed performance practice and/or education of early music (travel expenses, performance stipends, music purchase, expenses incurred by the venue, etc.) and which demonstrate financial need.
Eligibility Requirements:
Individuals and/or organizations who apply for a grant must be members of AEMA for consideration of the application. Membership information can be found on this website on the Membership page. If you are curious if your project meets the scope of our grant, please email us at info@atlema.org so that we may clarify the expectations and discuss your application.
Application Instructions:
Fill out the application linked above, attaching supporting documentation where necessary, and email it to info@atlema.org.
Grant Amounts:
Grant amounts will vary, but will not exceed $500.00. The awarded amount will be at the discretion of the Board. Applications should be received at least three months in advance of the proposed event. Awards will be announced within one month following receipt of application. Applications are reviewed on a continuing basis. Because grant funds are limited, early applications are encouraged.
The application form, with attachments, should be submitted to info@atlema.org.
Upon Receipt of Grant:
The recipient is required to:
Acknowledge the Atlanta Early Music Alliance in the printed program and/or aloud during the concert.
Open the event to the public, including members of AEMA.
Provide a 10% or similar discount to current AEMA members for event admission.
Allow AEMA to display membership and promotional materials during the concert.
Provide AEMA with a preview or article related to the event for its BROADSIDE newsletter.